Terms and Conditions


lankarealtor.com is Sri Lanka’s Premium online real estate platform exclusively built for Lanka Realtor. By posting Lanka Realtor offerings the Agent or Owner (Advertisement Publisher) explicitly agrees to the Terms and Conditions mentioned in this section

Permission to use the website

The Advertisement publisher will get the right to share, and email the links to the Lanka Realtor offerings they have once they post the offering at lankarealtor.com and pay the stipulated Advertisement fee. An Advertisement will be retained for a minimum of one month after which the Advertisement publisher can extend it by paying a fee.

Misuse of Website

The Advertisement publisher is solely responsible for any content published in this platform and any legal or other disputes arising must be handled by the Advertisement publisher. Misleading information, addresses, prices must be avoided at all cost.

Cancellation and Suspension of Account

lankarealtor.com reserves the right to Cancel or Suspend accounts which violates the terms and conditions.


Our minimum fee for an Advertisement listing is Rs. 7500/= + Taxes. The Advertisement listing will be available online in the platform for a period of one month after which it can be extended by paying a minimum of Rs. 4000/=

Copyright and Trademarks

lankarealtor.com will not be responsible for any images or logos uploaded by an Advertisement publisher. If there is any violations of Copyright or Trademark laws it must be borne by the Advertisement publisher

Limitations and exclusions of liability

lankarealtor.com will not be liable for any losses, damages, costs etc. which happens to Advertisement publishers, tenants, owners etc. as lankarealtor.com is not involved in any monetary or other transactions done between said parties. lankarealtor.com just charges an Advertisement fee for the service it provides for Advertisement publishers.

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